is numerology the magic of numbers?

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is numerology the magic of numbers?

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Of course, numerology has no direct relation to magic - it is a predictive system. However, mystics note the magical influence of numbers on the fate of a person. Numerology has its own formula, which states that any multi-digit numbers can be reduced to one single-digit number. Each single number has occult characteristics that affect a person. Any prime number has a set of images, properties and concepts inherent only to it. Digital playing cards are also based on the vibrations of numbers, behind which there are certain characteristics and images. Everyone is familiar with the cards, and many have heard about the predictive ability of the gypsy deck. And gypsy cards are nothing more than numbers. However, numerology differs from gypsy cards in that it has a purely scientific approach and operates with a person's character. For example, with the help of numerology, you can describe the qualities of a person, his hidden potential and calculate the perspective of his life direction. With the help of this system, one can determine a person's talents, find a purpose in life and a profession.
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